In the ashes of the old world the Imperium still stands, its ever-expanding borders barely outpacing the rate of decay of its immense body. Soulless xenoi have conquered countless lands, rivaled in size only by those controlled by the Horde and sons of Timur, bringing untold destruction upon the Christendom. Forget the promise of progress and understanding for much is forgotten, never to be relearned. To live in these times is to be one amongst millions, it is to live in a collapsing, warring continent filled with violence and hatred. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to defend the Imperium from endless hordes of xenoi, barbarians and heretics. Their comrads in arms are legion: the professional soldiers of Tagmata and brave levies and conscripts of Themata, the ever-vigilant Athanatoi and battle-hardened Auxilia from Christian Kingdoms to name only a few. Greatest among his warriors are the Kataphraktoi, elite heavy cavalry unmatched on the battlefield. Mighty fleets cross the wide seas and uncounted Roman soldiers give battle in Emperor's name on far lands. He is the lord of the innumerable lands by the will of Iesus Kristos and the might of his Imperial Army. His descendant Markos III Angelos is Basileus Basileon by the Grace of God, Caesar Augustus of the Romaioi and all Men, Autokrator of the Holy Church and Protector of the Christendom. Since the days of Saint Markos Isapostolos the Angeloi have sat on the Throne, preserving his everlasting legacy. For more than a thousand years the Imperium Romanum has stood, ruled from the Sacred Palace in Konstantinoupolis. It is the end of the 7th millennium since the creation of the world.